29.12.2014 God, who died for us also suffers now

I am writing to you on behalf of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.
I have to write a lot and soon some of you will get interested in this.
I wrote about the sign to be given to the Christian world in my article of 25.12.2014. After that, a terrible tragedy will happen and it will shock the entire world. Everyone will know about it and I cannot write about it now. I am writing to prepare you for this earlier. Your should start to live in chastity, love and holiness and surrender yourselves to God, just as apostles did. Jesus said that they who love their mothers, fathers, wives and children more, are not worth Him. In order to let the Holy Spirit act through you, you should give away everything that separated you from God ? you should give away ?this world?. I write about conversion in almost every article. You should convert your family, relatives and other people. Going to the church and praying is not enough. The other man is the same as you are. He does not know, what you know and you should tell him about it, remind him and take care of him. When will you understand it and start to convert? Will it be, when you feel fear and hunger? This world is a world of sin, which is heading for annihilation. Who has made the world like this? We, the people have forgotten, who created the world and whom we should cherish, love and give our time and adhere to commandments.
This world and land could still exist for billions of years, had it not been for warnings and bloody tears of Holiest Mother of God. Why did they do it? Where are clerics responsible for this? Why did not they shout from pulpits and warn people, who support the evil? Why did not they warn people so that they could inform their families and everyone. People are terribly tormented there.
Do not you see what is going on with me and why I have been travelling for so long? What should I have been given in order to do this? Why do you do this to me? Aren?t you afraid of God, who leads me? You do not want to understand, but you will understand.
You neglect God giving the holy communion to people while standing. 
Cardinals and Polish bishops ? tell me, how about the enthronement of Jesus as the King of Poland? You have betrayed God and Poland! Whom do you listen to?
The Mother of God is stabbed with three swords for your sins. You have to convert! I am worried about Poland and the world and what I see. And how did our God suffer, when he walked on the earth? You should fall on your bees before Him!
God bless you!