A leaflet to be distributed among priests and parishioners

26.08.2014 ? Jesus, You are the Way, Truth and Life.

Information for people, including, in particular, priests, bishops and cardinals.

Mother of God warns us against the 3rd World War and terrible hunger and calls us to convert to God.
We are to go out into the street and proclaim our faith and talk about God everywhere and at every occasion ? at home, in the street, store etc. Faith without actions is a dead faith.

I?ve been travelling for 19 months now. Some of you hear me speaking through loudspeakers and some of you do not want to hear anything about the penalty, which God is to impose upon sinners. These are times of the apocalypse and I call on priests and the church to prepare for the events. Why do I travel around and talk about this? You have been given so many signs that you should have understood it already. You will find more on my website - www.apokalipsa-iskra.pl

Let me tell you something about myself. Having lost my business and undergone a total despair and ordeal, I converted and called to God ? ?Please save me!? I began to visit churches and pray for hours. I forgave everyone. I began to see signs and have visions. Before taking the holy communion, I said the chaplet and thought about the Passion, I fainted when I heard Jesus talking to me. It happened a lot of times. On 26 May 2012 I lost my consciousness for the first time and felt God?s Rays before the Holy Communion and in front of figures and holy pictures. I have been feeling such a strong power for several months that I begin to shake and cry out loud. I fell tears rolling down my cheeks. It happens during holy services very often, especially when I take the holy communion.

St. Faustine wrote: ?When I prayed for Poland, I heard a voice. If Poland surrenders to my will, I will exalt it in Power and holiness. A spark will arise, which will prepare the world for my return (Jesus? words).
On 9 November 2012 between 5 and 8 a.m., when I said the chaplet and thought about the Passion, I heard Jesus talking to me: ?prepare the world for my return?. I closed my eyes and saw a very light large cross and said ? ?Oh, Lord, am I to be the spark?? I felt strong shivers. Warnings of Mother of God have been neglected and the Third Secret of Fatima has been deposited in a safe. What you do is similar. Why do you throw my leaflets away? When I warn a priest, he asks me, if I have a bishop?s permission etc.

And what if I were a priest? Could I be allowed to do what I do now? Everyone would be fed up after a week doing what I do. You wonder, why I travel around. You should have a permission from Jesus and the strength of the Holy Spirit. Every believing catholic could not afford to behave like that, if he knew that he would be condemned, as if for a heresy and proclaiming untruth.

You will get interested, when food runs out and families with hungry children will come in 2017 after a nuclear conflict. Money will lose its value, shops will be liquidated and everything will cease to exist. A terrible chaos will appear. You will be asked to have a chip implanted in order not to die of hunger (the antichrist?s chip will entitle you to collect a slice of bread in selected points. It will mean a voluntary and total surrender to the Lucifer, which will lead you to the hell fire). You will be responsible for this.

You tell yourselves that you live in the 21st century. Do no make eternity of the 21st century and this second. I would like to explain this. Eternity is where the body dies and soul lives forever. You get a new body there and have the same physical and mental feelings as on the earth. You are keepers of Jesus? herd of sheep ? I tell you once again. And you are very responsible for this. Therefore, no one will tell me that they do not know, what I am talking about. If you do not tell it to another person, including those, who live abroad, you will be responsible for that person as for thousands of parishioners. I write this so that parishioners could ask you, why, when the right time comes. They will ask you, why you have not informed them about the imminent apocalypse and why Jesus Christ has not even been chosen the king of Poland. With this episcopate and government, you may know, what bad can happen to us ? an apocalypse caused by several cardinals. Why are there freemasonry figures in the church of Salzburg-Nord in Austria ? I mean the enthroned lion?s head and goats? heads on the side of the church? Why did they make restaurants of the churches in Verona in Italy? Why and who made it up to take the holy communion while standing and directly to one?s hand? Do you have to go to the bishop now and ask him for permission for what I do? I tell you once again ? I have been given a permission from my Jesus, who confirms it every day by his presence, when I take the holy communion. I can feel God! You should know how I love Him. Like a 3-year-old child.

Priests, bishops and cardinals ? millions of children in Europe will die of hunger soon. Mother of God calls on you to make provisions of corn, seeds and vegetables. You should buy livestock to monasteries as well. You should persuade farmers to increase their agricultural crops and livestock and those, who have liquidated their farms, to restore the same to some extent. I can feel a terrible hunger coming. Some lady told me that she thought that people will eat themselves of hunger. I thought about it all day long. I had a stone in my soul. What you do for you body is Sisyphean labour already ? you will lose everything just as I did. I beg you to CONVERT as I did.

You should devote your whole time to God and do it with love. You will be made accountable for that during the last judgement. As much time and love given by you will be given in the purgatory and you will suffer terrible pain there. You are unhappy, because you do not love God.

I know what used to be and what is there now. I have eternity and it will not be enough my dear God, Son of God, Holy Spirit and Mother of God. Here comes the great mercy for our generation form God and God will save us from the terrible pain in the purgatory and hell. It is what we would experience after death. Let us pray for those, who have died. Pray during holy services and one holy service experienced in holiness and acceptance of God will mean hours of cherishing prayers for your entire life. When a nuclear conflict breaks out, churches will be filled with people, as they will understand that the end of the world is coming. Priests should make provisions for holy wine and millions of communions, especially in Czestochowa.

God knew it all before he had created the world. What God wants, will happen. Let us love God, as he gave us life. And what does He want to give us in heaven?

I will write it once again ? Priests! You will have whole families coming to you. They will be very hungry and ask you, what they should do. If you think about yourselves and not convert and persuade others to convert to God, you will be accountable for this to God.