Jesus ? you are the way, truth and life.
To Russia, China and other countries.
I warn you all ? you live in the times of the Return of Jesus Christ. What I have got from God, all the signs, visions and physical feelings are something that I believe in more than in the fact that I live. I warn you and travel around Poland and Europe in my car. I speak to all of you through loudspeakers telling you about the coming apocalypse and penalty, which God will impose upon sinful mankind.
Jesus Christ calls the world to get converted.
There are only months before the apocalypse happens. It is most important for the world and particular countries to enthrone Jesus as the King of Poland. This is to be done by executive authorities led by the president and episcopate of a given country. If countries do not do it, they will be destroyed forever. Only Jesus Christ can save you from the destruction!
The 3rd World War will break out in 2017 and before this Mother of God will warn the world through her visionaries in Medjugorje. It will be the beginning of the apocalypse. The freemasonry, which holds all the cards, will kill a famous politician and this will trigger the 3rd World War. The politician will be Kim Dzong Un, the leader of North Korea. In the Islam country there live a several-year-old antichrist prophesied by Christian prophets. It will destroy the mankind through the Islam. When hunger appears, they will start to implant a 666 chip under the skin on a mass scale. They have even started to do it now. I warn you. Having the chip implanted means surrendering your soul to Lucifer. It will lead those people to eternal death in the fire. The freemasonry wants to kill the mankind this way. With the chip implanted, people will be manipulated by impulses and they will turn aggressive. Do not allow for this to happen and get converted to God and Jesus Christ, who is the way to the Omnipotent Creator and His Father! Start collecting food now! When I am detained by Islam believers, this will be the last time to buy cheap food.
In 2015 and at the beginning of 2016 prices will go up by more than 200% and they will keep on growing. In 2016 in Cracow the Pope will announce that the world should prepare for the return of Jesus. You will lose your properties and all that you have in your lives, just as I did before. I am an example for you. I did not do anything, as I was afraid of God. I got converted calling God in my soul: ?God save me?. I repeat it once again ? save your immortal souls from eternal death. Het converted to Christianity.
St Faustine wrote: ?When I was praying for Poland, I heard words. I loved Poland particularly and if it obeys me, I will make it more powerful and even holier. It will make a spark, which will prepare the world for my final coming?.
On 9 November 2012 between 5-8.00 a.m., when I was saying the chaplet and considered Jesus? passion, I heard a loud voice in my soul: ?Prepare the world for my return?. I closed my eyes and saw a large glistening cross. I asked:? Am I to be the spark??. I felt shivers all over my body.
I faint during holy services in churches, when I take the holy communion, I can feel God inside me. I give you several pieces of evidence and you can find more on my website.
To the Christians? the Christian faith is to be joined and form one family, who will help one another and live according to God?s law.
Jesus Christ is coming!
How should you protect yourselves during the 3 days of darkness? It will start on a very dark night. You will fee the temperature. In the summer and spring the temperature may even drop below -20 or - 30 degrees. In the winter it may even be -60 degrees. You will hear the wind blowing hard, thunders striking and the earth will quake. Then you should cover your windows and doors using polystyrene boards with the thickness of 5 cm and polyurethane foam resistant to the temperature of -25 degrees. Prepare patterns of the boards earlier and join the boards with the foam. The patters are to match windows, doors, air vents and chimney vents. You should leave a gap for the foam putting small prices of polystyrene. The pattern should stick to the polystyrene boards, which have been joined with the foam. When the 3rd World War breaks out in 2017, you should have the patters prepared. Hide them under wardrobes or other furniture so that they could not be destroyed. The foam has to be as thick as 3 cm. you should fill all sides of the patters with the foam. Do not forget about air vents and chimney vents and do as I told you before. You should inform everyone how to protect themselves. You will be protected against the view, poisonous gas and cold. Do not let anyone in and do not talk to anyone, even if you heard a voice from outside that is similar to the voice of your mother, brother or sister. Do not let anyone in, as it will be the Satan pretending to be them. Prepare an altar with a crucifix, light a blessed candle (you should have some) and sprinkle your flat with blessed water. You should pray all the time. Collect food and water. Take care of your animals. Seal animals? places just as you seal your own. You can seal their windows permanently before to save your time. Who does not listen to this advice will die in an instant. It will be a proof that there is God above all. Who does not communicate this message from Jesus to others will be accountable before God for the death of others.
Prepare for the return of Jesus Christ, as this moment is coming.
God bless you.